• A Closer Look Into Lactose Free Protein Powder

    Whey protein powder is considered the industry standard for protein powders. However, with the growing awareness of lactose intolerance, other protein powder alternatives have been made available. That makes it easier for anyone looking for a lactose-free protein powder to supplement their workout routine. Here are some options suitable for you.

    Pea protein Isolate

    This is a vegan and hypoallergenic option made from yellow split peas. It is a perfect alternative for vegans, lactose intolerant people, and anyone who requires dairy free protein powder. While it contains all the nine essential amino acids, it is rich in 8 only as it has low methionine content. This should not be a problem as you will add this component through other food items.

    Hemp Seed Protein

    This is also a popular lactose free protein powder made by grinding hemp seeds into a fine powder. It has an earthy and nutty flavor and is best used in shakes and smoothies. It is a rich source of proteins and amino acids that are easily digestible. It is also rich in peptides that have anti-oxidant properties whichhelp in general body functions.

    Brown Rice Protein

    This is made by grinding brown rice into powder, then adding enzymes. The enzymes are added to separate the starch from concentrated protein. However, the brown ricelactose free protein powder is incomplete as it has low lysine levels. Brown rice has a protein level of 78%, an amino acid content of 36%, and branched amino acids at 18%. It is hypoallergenic, making it suitable for people with lactose intolerance. It is also gluten-free as it does not contain any monosodium glutamate.

    According to research, whey has low lactose levels to warrant a reaction from anyone with lactose intolerance. However, most side effects of whey protein powder are often associated with lactose. These include flatulence, cramping, stomach pain, and diarrhea.

  • Agmatine Powder for your Whole Body

    Agmatine is one of the most beneficial substances in the body. It is formed from the amino acid arginine and is created and stored in various areas of the body, including the brain. It is known to be a co-transmitter as it is co-released alongside other neurotransmitters and is also ranked as a transmitter itself. Agmatine powder is perfect for exercise and performance, brain function, better metabolism, and brain health.

    Agmatine for Brain Health

    Agmatine is a potent neuroprotector that safeguards the health and life of the dopaminergic neurons in the brain. People start to feel stressed and depressed due to high levels of oxidative stress in the brain, which kills the dopaminergic neurons. Agmatine protects these neurons against damage and death. Additionally, agmatine reinforces the blood and brain barrier, which protects the brain against toxins. It also prevents the dysregulation of dopamine and serotonin caused by stress; this regulates your mood and makes you feel more stress resilient.

    Benefits of Agmatine to the body

    Agmatine powder is useful for irritable bowel syndrome as it lowers intestinal inflammation. It also increases insulin secretion as a response to glucose, thus lowering blood sugar. It also increases your pain threshold by reducing neuropathic pain.

    What to Expect after consuming agmatine

    Agmatine powder has plenty of benefits that make your life more comfortable. People who use it regularly report benefits such as:

    Ability to focus longer

    Feeling more calm and resilient

    Improved creativity

    Increased euphoria and better mood

    Feeling tired earlier before bedtime which makes your sleep better

    Having whiter eyeballs

    Increased libido

    Stable and consistent energy throughout the day

    People who consume agmatine powder regularly, at least once a day, report feeling much better than they have for a long time.

    Agmatine powder is a form of amino acid that works to make your body and brain feel better. Besides improved mood, you will have more energy to deal with life and enjoy the things that you love to do.

  • Chocolate Whey Protein Powder: Best Protein Powder Flavors

    Anyone who works out or requires an extra protein boost in their system appreciates chocolate whey protein powder. There are plenty of options in the market to sample from. All protein wheys come in a variety of flavors that make them more palatable. Below are some of the most preferred whey protein powder flavors.


    This is a universal favorite, thanks to its full and rich flavor. Chocolate is also known to boost brain activity, make your skin glow and reduce stress. It is hard to find a natural whey protein powder that mixes well with other things or one that tastes well, but the chocolate flavor does.

    Peanut Butter Flavor

    Plenty of people love nut butters; in most cases, peanut butter takes the trophy. If you have a nut allergy, avoid peanut butter-flavored proteins. Mix this protein powder flavor with unsweetened almond milk to get high-protein milk for your cereals.

    Cookies and Cream

    Protein powder allows you to recreate some of your favorite treats into a healthy drink. Adding flavors makes proteins more consumable, whether you want to include it as a whole meal or as a drink. The cookies and cream option is significantly sweet. It is perfect for breakfast or dessert but not to be consumed immediately after a workout.


    While it is not very popular, anyone who has tried it loves it. You will love this flavor if you are into snickerdoodle cookies or cinnamon-flavored biscuits. Similar to chocolate whey protein powder, snickerdoodle flavored protein powder makes for a perfect replacement for flour in baking recipes as it adds enough sweetness without leaving an aftertaste on your treats as other flavors do.

    Trying to live a healthy lifestyle does not mean you cannot have treats once in a while. If you are a sucker for chocolates, pick chocolate whey protein powder instead of any other flavor to curb your cravings.

  • Best Supplements to Get Cut and Gain Muscle

    Most people work towards the ultimate goal of losing fat and building muscles simultaneously. While this is not easy, it is possible, but only if you are strategic about it. This strategy involves getting a solid supplement routine, a consistent workout routine, and a healthy life. If you are getting into this life, here are the best supplements to get cut and gain muscle.

    Protein Powder

    When it comes to building muscles and getting lean at the same time, protein powder should top your supplements regimen. If you are not taking in enough proteins, you will lose muscle mass, mainly if you are on a calorie deficit diet. Loss of muscle mass leads to low metabolism, which means fewer calories burned. Protein curbs hunger pangs and cravings and prevent overfeeding, making it possible to stay on a calorie deficit diet. You may consider whey protein, whey isolate, or plant-based protein powder.


    This is among the naturally occurring amino acids produced by the body. It is a significant component of fat-burning supplements as it helps break down fatty acids to produce energy. Using this supplement boosts metabolism enabling you to burn more calories during workouts. It also increases energy and stamina, improving your workout performance. This allows you to push through during workout sessions, helping you progress faster.


    Sleep cannot be underestimated in the chase for a healthier body. This makes melatonin among the best supplements to get cut and gain muscle. Lack of good sleep leads to increased cravings, slower metabolism, reduced muscle recovery, and increased fatigue. Supplementing with melanin improves your sleep quality which eliminates all the roadblocks. Other best practices for sufficient sleep include avoiding blue light before bed and avoiding caffeine consumption in the afternoon.

    It is possible to get lean muscles and lose fat at the same time. However, this requires using the best supplements to get cut and gain muscle. The above options are a perfect place to start.

  • Impact Igniter Xtreme: What are the Benefits of a Pre Workout Supplement?

    As the name suggests, pre-workout dietary supplements are meant to give you an energy boost prior to a workout. Unlike creatine or protein powder, the definition of what exactly a pre-workout supplement can be different depending on the combination. The way a particular formula such as Impact Igniter Xtreme works, depends on it composition. If you are wondering whether or not to take a pre-workout supplement, here are some of the benefits.

    Increased Energy

    If you have had a long day at work, or a poor night’s sleep, I is extremely hard to amass the energy needed to hit a peak output. Pre-workout supplements come in handy to jumpstart your body with a short-term energy boost at the beginning of a workout. They also help you maintain an increased energy level that helps you push through your training and last longer without getting tired.

    Better Athletic Performance

    The body requires particular vitamins and nutrients for pure energy output, and high exercise performance. Impact Igniter Extreme delivers plenty of these nutrients to ensure that you train harder and longer by boosting blood flow, and enhancing strength and power. Common ingredients in pre-workouts for this purpose include; creatine, caffeine, B Vitamins, and branched chain amino acids.

    Mental Clarity and Focus

    The physical aspect of a workout is just a piece of the pie. If you are not mentally present, it is hard to make it to the end of your workout. It becomes too easy to discourage and talk yourself out of a workout. When you are too tired, your brain will start to lag and this is where suboptimal gains and injuries start. A pre-workout supplement will keep you laser focused and help you achieve a mental exercise performance level that is often ignored.

    When purchasing, note that the effectiveness of a particular pre-workout supplement depends on it composition. Since the ingredients vary from one supplement to the other, so will their effectiveness.

  • Whey Isolate Protein Powder: Pre Workout Foods that Boost Your Energy

    If you have recently established a regular routine and have been hitting the gym for a couple of hours a day throughout the week, then you will do whatever it takes to keep this energy up. Some days might feel harder as you may feel as though you do not have the energy. Adding whey isolate protein powder to these pre-workout foods will ensure a consistent energy supply throughout your gym session.


    This delicious and easy to prepare meal is an unsung hero where pre-workout foods are concerned. You only need to add hot water or hot milk, and your meal is ready. It is also affordable, making it the perfect choice for your workout days. Add a tablespoon of almond butter and some protein powder for an extra energy boost. If you are not a huge fan, look up for recipes that will make the meal more palatable.

    Greek Yogurt

    Besides being rich in probiotics that help regulate your weight, Greek yoghurt also strengthens your bones with its vitamin D and calcium. It also contains significant levels of carbs that come in handy in giving you the extra energy needed for the workouts. It also has plenty of muscle-building proteins that keep you pumped for the weightlifting and muscle-building session.

    Protein Balls

    This needs a little preparation, but time spent in the kitchen will be worth it in the gym. Homemade protein balls are more palatable and affordable compared to protein bars. You can also customize yours to include your favourite snacks. You can combine whey isolate protein powder with raw honey, natural peanut butter, cranberries, oats, cinnamon, coconut and any other healthy snack or fruit.

    Nutrition is essential in every aspect, and it is even more critical where working out is concerned. Planning your meals will ensure that you consume the right amount of whey isolate protein powder and the right snacks.

  • Is amino acid energy drink better than a regular energy Drink?

    Before heading out for a jog or to the gym, it is common practice for anyone to consume a pre-workout mix or an energy drink to foster motivation by increasing their energy levels. However, these concoctions may have adverse side effects if they contain stimulants such as caffeine. If you are weighing between an amino acid energy drink and a regular energy drink, this blog has more information for you.

    What are Amino acid supplements?

    If you are unfamiliar with the potent workout-related products, amino acids are fitness supplements made from specific amino acids, picked from a chain popularly referred to as branched amino acids (BCAAs). They are a part of a workout supplement because they are known for enhancing performance during exercise. They provide energy, boost gains, improve performance results, and promote recovery.

    Amino acids and energy

    The longer you exercise, the more energy-deprived you become. During the start of a workout, the body fuels itself by utilizing glycogen that has been stored in the muscles. Once these are depleted, the body moves to the naturally occurring BCCAs. They promote muscle health and boost performance. They are also absorbed into the muscles and oxidized to release energy. Using an amino acid energy drink supports your body to work longer and more efficiently.

    Amino Acids or Energy Drink?

    For a majority, the kick in energy drinks is the immediate jolt of energy obtained after consumption. However, they have significant jitters manifested as anxious demeanour and shaky hands. In the end, you end up crashed with much less energy than you should have.

    Amino acid energy drink, on the hand, comes with quick, steady energy and lasts longer without making your body crash. An amino acid drink can also prevent fatigue during a workout.

    It is best to identify the type of workout supplement that works for you. This depends on your goals and your current health status.

  • Benefits of Gluten-Free Pre-Workout Supplements

    If you are into sports nutrition and fitness, you might have heard about pre-workout supplements. These dietary supplements are meant to boost you before a workout. In so doing, they will support high-intensity exercises. There are several pre-workout supplement types that work differently according to their specific formulas. For instance, gluten-free pre-workout supplements negate the protein found in wheat to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms during exercise in susceptible individuals. Here are the benefits of taking pre-workout supplements.

    Increased focus and mental clarity

    Working out is not just physical. It also demands intense mental clarity and focus to be successful. It is hard to hang on until your workout ends if you are not mentally present. Pre-workout supplements will keep you laser-focused on your exercises and goals for the entire workout session. They nail the mental aspect of exercises that is often ignored.

    Fast recovery

    Pre-workout supplements will also speed your recovery time by supporting protein synthesis, where the body generates new protein to rebuild your muscle tissue. If your body recovers quickly after a workout, you can quickly access the gains of working out like a lean body and increased mass. Enhanced protein synthesis after taking gluten-free pre-workout supplements reduces fatigue and muscle soreness so that you can increase the workload of your exercises over time.

    Enhanced athletic performance

    The body needs nutrients and vitamins to support it during exercise and manage the increased demand for energy. Gluten-free pre-workout supplements will deliver these nutrients to allow you to work harder for a long time. For instance, creatinine, a common ingredient in pre-workout supplements, helps produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate) that supplies muscles with energy.

    With the above benefits, you might wonder if it is healthy to take pre-workout supplements daily. Yes, the supplements are safe to take daily, provided they do not have harmful ingredients. The best time to take them is 15-30 minutes before starting training.

  • Organic Collagen Powder: How does it benefit your Body?

    Collagen is a household name in the food and nutrition supplement industry, and for a good reason. It is considered as a miracle ingredient as it is the most abundant protein present in the human body. It is found in the bones, connective tissues and skin. This is why organic collagen powder has gained massive popularity as it is highly beneficial to the body.

    Joint and Bone Health

    Are your knees weak and painful? The organic bone mass is made of at least 90% collagen including the joint cartilage. Taking organic collagen powder supplement comes with major benefits as it activates bone metabolism which triggers bone formation and increased bone mineral density supplementing also has anabolic effects on the cartilage tissues which helps in the maintenance of joint structure and comfort.

    Increased Athletic Performance

    Do you need a boost to give you a competitive edge in the gym or competition? Collagen comes in handy as it contains a high percentage of the glycine amino acid which makes up a larger percentage of the collagen protein. Collagen also contains a significant amount of arginine amino acid. The two amino acids help in the formation of creatine responsible for energy required for muscle contraction, size, power and strength.

    Healthy Skin

    The skin is made up of 75% collagen. Collagen directly affects how radiant, smooth, plump and young your skin appears. With age, collagen naturally reduces making the skin to appear dull, wrinkly, thin and with fine lines. Consuming collagen supplements such as organic collagen powder helps improve the appearance of the skin. Collagen helps in the formation of building blocks that stimulate skin metabolism which helps correct the effects of collagen loss from within the body. Consistent consumption of collagen supplements has been noted to reduce cellulites, dryness, and wrinkles.

    For you to see significant results of collagen, you need to consume it for a considerable period. For instance, for joint and bone health, you should expect to see results after 3 months of use, while 2 months are enough for you to notice a change in your skin.

  • Allmax Supplements: Training Supplements for Beginners

    There are plenty of training supplements in the market today, making it difficult to decide the right one for you. It is advisable to get your nutrients mainly from food and avoid over reliance on supplements. However, supplements go a long way for that extra boost in your training. If you are a beginner exploring Allmax supplements for the first time, here is a guide for you.

    Whey protein

    All muscles require plenty of protein to repair, grow stronger and faster. Whey protein is a wholesome protein source as it contains the nine most essential amino acids. The whey protein Allmax supplements are best consumed immediately after a workout as this is the best time to prompt the start of protein synthesis and promote healing and recovery.


    This common abbreviation in supplements stands for branched-chain amino acids. They are made up of three of the nine essential amino acids. They are essential because the body does not naturally produce them; thus, they have to be sourced externally. Their purpose is to prevent muscle breakdown while improving exercise performance.

    Fish Oils

    These are meant to boost your omega-three fatty acids intake. During training, fish oils help reduce delayed-onset muscle soreness, popularly referred to as DOMS, thus speeding up the recovery process. Moreover, when combined with other Allmax supplements such as BCAAs, they boost muscle mass build. You should only purchase fish oil supplements from accredited supplement makers to ensure that they do not have any impurities and have the correct dosage.

    Whether you are new to supplementing or lifting weights, getting the right exercise and nutrition for your body is essential. This will prevent downtime in recovery, as your muscles will be stronger and more resilient. If you are unsure which way to start, talk to your coach and follow their recommendation.

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